Many types of ADSL modem, such as the type of speed, the type of router, which merged into the modem, with integrated wireless, USB and Ethernet, which are incorporated by the modem and so forth. ADSL modem has been developed with the placement of other enhancements. You can use the ADSL modem 1 to 4 computers and connected from the ethernet LAN. Or you can use the ADSL modem with Ethernet and USB output only when needed only 2 connection to the PC.
So many modem provided will facilitate the users. But if you only need a simple modem connection can select the type of modem connection with ethernet and USB ports already be enough. That the more you need and the desire to use the type of ADSL modem device on the more expensive price of the modem.
But some features that need attention. Because in slightly different ways than the calculations of other countries that already hold more reliable Internet connection with the ADSL modem. There is a good use of a modem connection with the feature on and off automatically. ADSL modem with these features will save you the cost of connections, especially in Indonesia is still used calculations of time or number of bandwidth used. When you use the service without limit, the ADSL modem On and Off the type is not required.
Figure below is the most inexpensive modem offered by Telkom with the price Rp.350.000 or slightly more expensive than cable modem dial-up. Price is very opportune, if you want a simple ADSL modem. Only available USB port and Ethernet. If you need additional connection to the computer for more than two, then the solution on the cheap modem can be added to the ethernet hub to share the connection to other PC.
Few suggestions to choose DSL modem, you should also ask other colleagues who have been using ADSL connection. We get a lot of different information on the quality of a modem, DSL modem on the ability only be distinguished from the additional features that are owned. What's important is the resilience of the DSL modem. When you use the connection without limit, the resilience modem into the most important. At least DSL modem you do not see too often because they work too long or heat.
The more features in the modem will make the modem to heat because of the additional modem chip in the board meeting but the integrity of the type of connection, such as WIFI, Ethernet and USB HUB. Using a DSL modem with simple features will limit the ability of DSL modem itself, especially if you want to add a connection to another computer. So adjust the needs and wishes that you need.