Modem Articonet
Guide how ADSL modem settings Speedy PPPoE. (PPPoE)
The setting is done through a modem to access the browser address Enter the username and password: admin / admin After entering the settings menu to take the following steps:
Log in to the "Advanced Setup" and select "WAN" and click the "Edit" on the table right WAN <> Enter the value of PVC Configuration: (enter appropriate areas TELKOM value of each region)
Service Category = UBR Without PCR, and then click the Next button
Connection type = PPPoE
Encapsulation = LLC, and then click the Next button
Enter the username and password Speedy, and then click the Next button
Mark or affection for the v option "Enable WAN Service," and then click Next and click the Save button
PPPoE connection settings for Speedy has been done
Then click the Save button / Reboot
(Modem will reboot - / 1 minute and waiting to return to normal modem)
ADSL modem settings Articonet to Dial-Up/Bridge
The setting is done through a modem to access the browser address
Enter the username and password: admin / admin After entering the settings menu to take the following steps:
Log in to the "Advanced Setup" and select "WAN" and click the "Edit" <> Enter the value of PVC Configuration: (enter appropriate areas TELKOM value of each region)
Service Category = UBR Without PCR, and then click the Next button
Connection type = Bridging
Encapsulation = LLC, and then click the Next button
Mark or affection for the v option "Enable Service Bridge", and then click Next and click the Save button
Setting Bridge to connect to the Speedy has been done
Then click the Save button / Reboot
(Modem will reboot - / 1 minute and waiting to return to normal modem)